Il custode dei desideri

118.105 crystals set on plex 2000 x 2000 mm

This work made after returning from a long trip in Mongolia, but the genesis began in that land in a precise moment. I was always struck by the violent aspect and the warning of the divine expressed in religious iconography. After weeks spent in the silence of those endless lands, I arrived in one of the few monasteries that survived the mood of Russian hegemony. The large wooden door was open. I entered and from the great ceiling hundreds painted eyes have laid their judgment on me…

This work made after returning from a long trip in Mongolia, but the genesis began in that land in a precise moment. I was always struck by the violent aspect and the warning of the divine expressed in religious iconography. After weeks spent in the silence of those endless lands, I arrived in one of the few monasteries that survived the mood of Russian hegemony. The large wooden door was open. I entered and from the great ceiling hundreds painted eyes have laid their judgment on me…
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“…And I entered there cleaned by the wind and fragrant from the dampness of wet grass, as light as the uncontaminated immenseness that surrounded me. And there, under those ceilings of ancient wood, the thousand inquisitors’ eyes of those gods scrutinized me… I felt more at ease among the eagles”


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